Weight loss

The Benefits of Weight Loss (and Reasons to Continue Losing Weight)

By: Amanda A. Kostro Miller, RD, LDN

We all have our own reasons as to why we want to lose weight. Maybe you want to lose weight to “live longer” or “feel better.” While these are valid motivators for weight loss, they lack specificity, which may make it hard to use them as motivation when you hit a plateau in your weight loss program.

In this article, we will lay out several specific benefits of weight loss that you may not have thought about. As you go through your weight loss program, refer back to this list in order to keep you motivated.

10 Benefits of Weight Loss

Luckily, weight loss can yield benefits that improve your health both inside and out! What’s even better is that losing as little as 5-10% of your current weight can yield benefits. So, whether you are just starting your weight loss journey or you are well into it, some (if not all) of these benefits may be coming your way.

Click here to read about the 10 benefits –> The Benefits of Weight Loss (and Reasons to Continue Losing Weight)